Monday, February 23, 2015

An Open Letter to Our Fellow Americans.

 usconstitution2115My Fellow Americans!

As a progressive, I am sick and tired of Democrats calling on working class citizens to vote for them, telling us they are for thee working man, then going to Washington and voting against our interests. It's time for us to face the fact that corporate democrats are not going to work for us unless we force them to. It's time to stop voting for people who are going to be the "lesser of two evils". Which party a candidate is in no longer matters. The democrats are selling us out just the same as the republicans are. We must begin to build a party that truly represents us. The party that I'm speaking of will represent the working class, no matter WHAT PARTY they are affilliated with. They will SPEAK OUT for the rights of the citizens of the citizens over the interests of international corporations. They will speak out for America to begin trade practices that PROTECT AMERICAN JOBS, and will penalize ANY CORPORATION that has or will move American jobs OVERSEAS. They will call for the REPATRIATION OF CORPORATE PROFITS. without considering a TAX HOLIDAY. They will PUBLICLY call for an end to the SCOTUS "Citizens United" ruling. And if the courts refuses to relent, call for an end to lifetime appointments for members of the court. We need representatives and senators who will call for a better wage for the workers of this country that are tied to the salaries of the people who are in the congress and the senate. The senate and congress are appropriated $803 million every year to govern this country on our behalf and yet they have allowed corporations to control everything and run roughshod over "we the people", while we have to struggle to make a living while working sometimes two and three jobs. They work 1/3 of the year and live like kings and queens in a beautiful city, while the country's cities are decaying and being hollowed out.. They have allowed WALL ST. BANKS to run the nation's economy into the ground and then turned around and gave them our TAX MONEY for doing so. They have refused to stop corporations from relocating manufacturing jobs overseas, and have for the past 16 years allowed our tax dollars to be used for this express purpose. They have allowed the PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATIONS rip the US Government off for our tax money by forbidding the government to bargain for DRUG PRICES. They have allowed the INSURANCE CORPORATIONS to rule over our health care delivery system, hen it could be run much cheaper and cost effective if we had a SINGLE PAYOR system without the insurance middleman. They have allowed the oil corporations to gouge "we the people" for gas prices during that same period of time. And last but surely not least, The American people have become so afraid of "terrorism" that we are willing to spend NEARLY 2/3 of all our tax dollars on the DOD, which includes the  PENTAGON, THE MILITARY and the CIA. Every year congress is willing to appropriate and expend MORE AND MORE MONEY for war, but they refuse to raise taxes on corporations or the rich war profiteers to pay for all that extra money spent. but they DO continue to cut all safety net programs, domestic programs and retirement programs for the citizens of this country, while giving humongous tax breaks to corporations and tax dollars away to foreign countries with incredible generosity. It's time for Americans to fight back.
    We don't care if they are DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN, let's demand of them that they STAND UP for what we want or we will not vote for them!!! And let the chips fall where they may. We don't want half measures! "We the people" should have FIRST consideration in ALL decisions made by the people WE ELECT TO REPRESENT US. Only then will we begin to gain control of our own country again.

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