Thursday, March 27, 2014

An Open Letter to "Po White Trash" Working Class Republicans

     Don't Let THEM Divide US!

       Yes, I did write po white trash! I wrote it though, to provoke a reaction from you, not because I have any ill will towards you. I knew that if I called you that you would be highly offended, just as I would be if you called me a nigger. I knew when I decided to write this letter that the title would bring the angriest possible response, but I had to use it in order to get your undivided attention. 
      And now that I have it, let me start by saying that I can't understand why so many working class people vote for republicans. The republican politicians are ruining this country, but it seems the working class republicans can't seem to fathom just what is happening in/to this country. Working class white people (po white trash) continue to vote in droves for people who don't mean them any good. Well, these tea party politicians encourage you to call me that name, but behind your backs they're the ones who call you that other name. You're not one of them. You're ordinary, everyday people JUST LIKE ME! You can't go to their homes and visit them socially. I would probably show much more hospitality to you than they would, and I would bet that you would be a whole lot more comfortable around me than you would around them. But they turn American against American because if they keep us divided, they can continue doing anything they want to us. That's why they gave poison tongued and hate filled people like Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Laura Ingram microphones. They want to keep us at each other's throats. That's how they were able to pass laws that sounded like they were investing in new jobs in America, but really gave them tax breaks to ship American manufacturing jobs overseas. They also repealed a law that kept our banking system on sound footing. Without the Glass-Stegall regulations in place the banking system spun out of control and crashed. And then they packed the SCOTUS with conservative judges who ruled that corporations have the same rights as people and can spend unlimited amounts of money to buy all our elected officials. And they have just about completely succeeded in doing that.
      They tell you that the government wants to take your guns and whip you into a frenzy. You're so mad that you want to brandish your weapons at the President of the US because he happens to be a black man. The truth is, you have less to fear from Obama than you do the people who are pushing you to hate Obama. You believe that homosexualism is unacceptable to God. So do I, but they're using your feelings to their advantage while I just leave the judgment aspect up to God. As a Christian, my motto is to live and let live. My obligation is to tell them that God is not pleased with their lifestyle, not to bend them to my will. These people don't believe what you believe. it's just a tool they use to control you. Again, they want to keep you whipped up into a frenzy so that they can do things behind your back while you're not paying attention. They claim to be religious, but they don't believe in God any more than they believe in "the man in the moon". But they know that you're against birth control and abortion. So they use that to their advantage by claiming religious exemptions, so they won't have to purchase health insurance for their employees. You're the employees they don't want to provide health care for. But you take their sides and vote for them because they picked and chose some issues that ware dear to you. But again those issues are not dear to them.
      Conservative republican politicians tell you that you'll lose your job if the minimum wage goes up, but corporations can afford to pay ONE person tens of millions of dollars a year. For the money they pay only one of those executives they could pay nearly one thousand workers $12 hr. and contribute $2 per hr. for group health care and $2 per hr. towards their retirement. If the Walton family is worth tens of billions of dollars, don't you believe that anyone who works for them should earn a wage they can live on, rather than have to depend on government assistance so they are able survive from week to week?
      Conservative republicans tell you that somehow it's going to hurt us to provide health care for our fellow citizens, and you believe them. How can it hurt your state government if the federal is paying 100% of the cost? Whatever the price of your healthcare is will be supplemented, not deducted from. How can the state lose
 Conservatives tell you that running a pipeline above an aquifer that supplies 30% of the nation's drinking water supply can't possibly leak, and you believe them. At this very moment, many pipelines just like that pipeline are leaking and causing environmental damage throughout the nation right now!
      Conservatives tell you that giving corporations and the super rich more and more tax breaks will be good for all of us, and you believed it. Do you know any working class person who has gotten better off since conservative hero, Ronald Reagan, was president?
      The bottom line is that you working po white trash and us niggers and every other working group in this country need to come together for the common good if we are going to do anything to make the situation better in this country of ours.

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