Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Conundrum of the Working Class American

 Photo via T.A. Barnhart/Labor Notes     The Seemingly Unsolvable Puzzle

      Working class people, whether we be republican or democrat, black or white, have a conundrum; we have allowed politicians, democrat and republican, who are wholly owned by corporations to "divide and conquer" us. We fight each other over social issues but our priority should be economic issues. If we are to once again prosper as a country, we need JOBS, and we need them NOW! We need for banks to stop gambling with our savings and retirement pensions. for corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, to repair this country's infrastructure and we need health care for ALL! 
    We have listened to a line of bullshit from politicians of both parties and corporate America about "free markets"  that will make us all more prosperous, but has only enriched the top 1% of the people at the top, while making the rest of us poorer.  It's time to stop believing in the MYTH of the "free markets' and "free trade". They sound good but they have only dragged this country down further and further. We need "fair trade"to be treated fairly by the markets.
      The first thing "we the people" need to do is begin to elect people to office who are willing to say IN PUBLIC that they are willing to raise taxes on the very wealthy and to undo all of the subsidies (corporate welfare) to those highly profitable oil corporations and other corporations that have shipped good paying jobs overseas. The so-called "American" corporations that have hidden away $trillions in profits should be prodded to bring that money back home. We should not have only good paying oil drilling jobs, but also good paying green energy jobs also. America should be leading in that category! But with the oil corporations clout on our congress, we've fallen way behind other industrial countries. We NEED wind and solar power also to sustain our energy needs into the future.
       For the time being social issues should be seen as side issues, to be dealt with when economic issues are settled. If the working class doesn't manage to get our heads out of our asses and come together for the good of us all, then the corporations deserve to rule over us, to send our children perpetual wars, to give away all of our resources, economic and otherwise, and turn this country into another third world country. America will no longer be "the land of the free and the home of the brave" but will become another "used up, has been" great civilization.

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