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Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The Demonization of Leaders of Foreign Countries
Russian President Vladimir Putin Under Fire From Western Corporate News Media

I am by no stretch of the imagination a fan of Russian president Vladimir Putin, but I do believe in being fair and I also sense a familiar pattern concerning him and the US corporate news media. I am also no fan of the "corporate" news media, just in case you didn't catch that. The main reason is that the media seems to have a certain slant/bias in the majority of it's reporting to fit the aims of corporations and the pentagon, with US government going along for the ride. They seem not to be reporting the news, but manufacturing the news. Many things they report are not based on fact, but seems to be based on someone's opinion or on some unnamed source. Even the supposed "proof" of many situations have been manufactured. You remember the supposed mobile chemical weapons, yellowcake uranium, aluminum tubes and WMD in Iraq. There were supposed to be aircraft buried in the sand, building of nuclear weapons and many other things claimed by the Bush administration about Iraq that turned out NOT to be true. And the news media had knowledge that some of these claims were possibly false but went along with them anyway. Recently the claim that the Syrian government of Bashar Al-Assad had used chemical weapons on it's people was reported by the media as fact when there was no proof that it was the government. It could have very easily have been the opposition to that government who committed this atrocity, but the corporate US news media acted as if it was their job to convince us that that government was responsible. That country's president has been demonized because he won't bow down to the demands of the oil corporations. So an opposition to his government was stirred up by persons or governments unknown, claiming that he used chemical gases to kill his own people, US supplied arms were brought in, and now they are in the process of destabilizing that government.
And even in the country of Jordan, every attempt possible has been made to convince us of the need to overthrow the government, even though to overthrow that government means the destabilization of that country. If that is the mission, then it will succeed.
In Venezuela, our government ( supposedly in favor of democracy) demonized democratically elected president Hugo Chavez until he died, now is demonizing his democratically successor, attempting to spread strife throughout that country so that American (they're not really American anymore) oil corporations can gain control of that countries oil resources. They make us believe that will be good for the US, but it won't. It will only be good for oil corporation profits. We'll still have unbelievably high gas prices.
And in the past there were also such figures as Manuel Noriega, President of Panama who was in bed with the CIA, but fell out of favor, was captured and is still in serving time in an American prison today.
The US military has been used to completely destroy the country of Iraq with those unproven claims of WMD and such. The country is still destroyed, but the oil corporations have control of the oil, so "mission accomplished"!
On MSNBC's Morning Joe Friday morning, we were told many unflattering things about Putin, which was mostly just hearsay, innuendo r just plain propaganda meant to hurt his image with the American people. Our own leaders are not images of integrity either. In my mind there is only reason for the news media doing this; to try to convince the American that we need to go to war against Russia, on Russia's on turf, 6000 miles on the other side of the world. This country would have to be insane to attempt such a feat!
We may not like Vladimir Putin, but out of respect for the country of which he is president and the military it possesses, the US would be a fool to pick a fight with that country in it's own region of the world. Remember what happened to Germany. Russia suffered some terrible losses, but Nazi Germany lost WWII because it became bogged down in Russia. Going to war with that country can't be compared to going to war with any other country in the world, with the exception of maybe China. And now, it seems that some in the news media are calling on Japan to provoke China. the backing of NATO or the US. How do you think that will end. America will not be the winner in a shooting war or an economic or trade war with China. President Obama should tread very lightly when considering the counsel of the chickenhawks and warhawks surrounding his administration.
And think about this; even an economic war , if it hurts Russia too much, is bound to start a shooting war sooner or later. And it no doubt, will be sooner than we think. That is precisely what brought Japan into WWII. We won't even talk about nuclear ramifications!
Monday, April 21, 2014
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