Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
An Open Letter to "Po White Trash" Working Class Republicans
Don't Let THEM Divide US!
Yes, I did write po white trash! I wrote it though, to provoke a reaction from you, not because I have any ill will towards you. I knew that if I called you that you would be highly offended, just as I would be if you called me a nigger. I knew when I decided to write this letter that the title would bring the angriest possible response, but I had to use it in order to get your undivided attention.
And now that I have it, let me start by saying that I can't understand why so many working class people vote for republicans. The republican politicians are ruining this country, but it seems the working class republicans can't seem to fathom just what is happening in/to this country. Working class white people (po white trash) continue to vote in droves for people who don't mean them any good. Well, these tea party politicians encourage you to call me that name, but behind your backs they're the ones who call you that other name. You're not one of them. You're ordinary, everyday people JUST LIKE ME! You can't go to their homes and visit them socially. I would probably show much more hospitality to you than they would, and I would bet that you would be a whole lot more comfortable around me than you would around them. But they turn American against American because if they keep us divided, they can continue doing anything they want to us. That's why they gave poison tongued and hate filled people like Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Laura Ingram microphones. They want to keep us at each other's throats. That's how they were able to pass laws that sounded like they were investing in new jobs in America, but really gave them tax breaks to ship American manufacturing jobs overseas. They also repealed a law that kept our banking system on sound footing. Without the Glass-Stegall regulations in place the banking system spun out of control and crashed. And then they packed the SCOTUS with conservative judges who ruled that corporations have the same rights as people and can spend unlimited amounts of money to buy all our elected officials. And they have just about completely succeeded in doing that.
They tell you that the government wants to take your guns and whip you into a frenzy. You're so mad that you want to brandish your weapons at the President of the US because he happens to be a black man. The truth is, you have less to fear from Obama than you do the people who are pushing you to hate Obama. You believe that homosexualism is unacceptable to God. So do I, but they're using your feelings to their advantage while I just leave the judgment aspect up to God. As a Christian, my motto is to live and let live. My obligation is to tell them that God is not pleased with their lifestyle, not to bend them to my will. These people don't believe what you believe. it's just a tool they use to control you. Again, they want to keep you whipped up into a frenzy so that they can do things behind your back while you're not paying attention. They claim to be religious, but they don't believe in God any more than they believe in "the man in the moon". But they know that you're against birth control and abortion. So they use that to their advantage by claiming religious exemptions, so they won't have to purchase health insurance for their employees. You're the employees they don't want to provide health care for. But you take their sides and vote for them because they picked and chose some issues that ware dear to you. But again those issues are not dear to them.
Conservative republican politicians tell you that you'll lose your job if the minimum wage goes up, but corporations can afford to pay ONE person tens of millions of dollars a year. For the money they pay only one of those executives they could pay nearly one thousand workers $12 hr. and contribute $2 per hr. for group health care and $2 per hr. towards their retirement. If the Walton family is worth tens of billions of dollars, don't you believe that anyone who works for them should earn a wage they can live on, rather than have to depend on government assistance so they are able survive from week to week?
Conservative republicans tell you that somehow it's going to hurt us to provide health care for our fellow citizens, and you believe them. How can it hurt your state government if the federal is paying 100% of the cost? Whatever the price of your healthcare is will be supplemented, not deducted from. How can the state lose
Conservatives tell you that running a pipeline above an aquifer that supplies 30% of the nation's drinking water supply can't possibly leak, and you believe them. At this very moment, many pipelines just like that pipeline are leaking and causing environmental damage throughout the nation right now!
Conservatives tell you that giving corporations and the super rich more and more tax breaks will be good for all of us, and you believed it. Do you know any working class person who has gotten better off since conservative hero, Ronald Reagan, was president?
The bottom line is that you working po white trash and us niggers and every other working group in this country need to come together for the common good if we are going to do anything to make the situation better in this country of ours.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Course Correction
A Change of Focus 
After nearly four years on two blogs (Blogdog's Expose', The Progressive Mile), 1153 posts (mostly copies of other people's articles) and 11.311 page views, I have decided that I need to change the focus of my articles and to write mostly as myself rather than as a blogger. The reasons being are these.
First, I have come to the conclusion that people, especially black people, have become apathetic (uncaring) for many reasons. Some of us don't care because we feel that our vote doesn't count anyway, so we won't engage in politics or any other activity to improve our society. Some don't care because we have managed to work our way to a comfortable place in our society. Once we do that we become unconcerned about others and just want to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Well there is definitely nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy the thing you have worked for. After all we should "take time to smell the roses along the way". But in our success we should still be concerned about others AND the society in which we live. If not, just what is happening, will happen. Our society will begin to deteriorate. And the deterioration is picking up steam. All you have to do is pick up any newspaper or watch any tv news broadcast to see what I mean. All kinds of crazy things are happening. I'm not just speaking about America in general, but right here in Lake Charles. In years past I had thought that we in this city were blessed in that many of the things that were happening in other places were not happening in "our neck of the woods". Just the other day a12 year old shot a 15 year old. The 15 year old is in critical condition in a local hospital. And that is just the latest shocking incident that has happened in our city in the last few years.
What could be the cause of these things happening. You may disagree, but I have a few ideas as to the reasons. I can tell you that as a young man growing up in poverty, I had a hard time feeling that anybody cared about me. So as I grew up, my heart began to grow cold over the years. I had no love for others in return, and I did anything I felt I could get away with. I also felt that what ever I wanted to do that was wrong, I was too smart to get caught. When this is your attitude, you'll do just about anything your mind can imagine. And now we have a whole city and society full of young men and women who have come up that same way and who are raising children the same way. And what about the white community, especially the rural white community? Why do their children Bring guns to school and want to kill everybody in school? Could it be that they are isolated in the country and are being taught to hate people who don't look like them? In the meantime they are being given these weapons of war and then being left to their own devices and neglected by their parents. And in the meantime it is the people who look just like them who are bullying them and making their life hell. They have the means, the reason, the motivation and the opportunity. Who are they gonna kill?!
If we don't find some kind of way to reach out to, and convince our young people that we're concerned about them, it won't much longer before our community and country are torn apart.
But there were a few of what I call "Divine Interventions" that happened to change the course of my life. The first was that my mother, even though she didn't go with us, sent us to Church on a regular basis. I enjoyed going to Church and playing with the other children AND learning about God. It gave me a foundation for living my life. Next was the fact that there a few teachers who encouraged me greatly during my school years and whom I felt DID care about me. And the last thing but surely not the least, was that somehow the right woman to help me struggle through this life was just dumped right into my lap (maybe I'll tell that story some other time). The point I'm trying to make is that, if we try, lives CAN be changed for the better.
And now we come to the part for my course correction in my writings. You see our problems aren't political in nature, they are spiritual. Politics, nor will any politician ever make our society any better. As a matter fact. our politicians, of both persuasions, have our government on a course to destruction as we speak. Government has never been the problem, it's the people who control the government that's the problem. A corrupt government will corrupt the people.
As far as people are concerned, you can't legislate better people. You have to build better people. It will take spiritual power to do that. I know that many of you don't know what I'm talking about, but it's time to find out FOR YOURSELF. If you want to build a better And we all have to take part. It will not be a " spectator sport". It's gonna take a lot of work throughout our society. It CAN be done if we depend on help from God. The alternative is that our society will go the way of all the rest of the supposedly great societies that decayed from the inside. And make no mistake about, it will happen in the next few years. Our eyes will see it. And so, for those reasons I have decided to focus on the spiritual aspects rather than the political realm. When it comes to politics, we can never be fully satisfied. There will always be some disappointment. But for those of us who trust in God, a time is coming when there will be TRUE justice and Righteousness. So while I am not completely abandoning hope for politics, from this time forward my focus will be mostly of a spiritual nature
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Politicians and Corporate News "Dog Whistle" Countries' Leaders They Don't Like, Compare to Adolf Hitler
Lately we have heard Russian President Vladimir Putin vilified all over the news media because he is trying to protect the interests of his own country from the west. If the same thing were happening in a country bordering our what would the US do? It's not Russia stirring up the strife in Crimea, it's the international oil corporations. They want to gain control of the oil in that hemisphere like they have in Iraq, and like they have attempted to do in Iran and Venezuela. They use black ops and destabilize the government, undermine their rulers, and compare them to Hitler to get us behind them. Then they use the US military to go and take over. And now we see Mrs. Hillary Clinton chime in with comparisons of President Vladimir Putin with Adolf Hitler. For the last forty years this has been a tried and true way to get America pumped up to go to war. It seems that Mrs. (want to be president) Clinton has traded in her dove wings for the heavier warhawk wings. What a change time has brought about.
Besides being underhanded, there are other reasons to not take any action against Russia. Do we want to start the cold war all over again? Do we now want to have trade wars? Since this episode began, the price of gasdline has already shot up 15 cents a gallon. Do you think the oil companies how much we pay for gas solong as they get what they want? Remember, they have been gouging us since the Bush/ Cheney administration, so don't think they don't want it to continue. And once they gain control of that oil, we'll really be pying "sky high " prices.
And here's another very good reason. Since the Viet Nam war, this country has failed to live up to it's obligations to those who have fought and been wounded or worse. Our children come back from these wars with broken bodies and troubled minds and becomes homeless people with no help from the people who sent them there and no one in government will take action on their behalf. Many, including president Obama, have SAID that they would remedy the situation, but as of this present moment no one has done nearly enough to show concern about the plight of our wounded warriors. Even American veterans from the Viet Nam war era are still battling to settle claims from "agent orange", a defoliant used to deforest that country in the 1960s and 70s. The Iraq war brought us exposure to depleted uranium bullets, which claims haven't been settled either. And now our children are coming back from Afghanistan seriously disturbed by all they've seen in war. It should enough to cause the citizens of this country to say 'ENOUGH"! But we have plenty of money to continue to fight these wars because anytime one of our leaders compares people like Saddam Heussein, Manuel Noriega, Mohammar Qadaffi and now Valdimir Putin, it makes us mad enough to fight another war whether they are telling the truth or not, or whether it's justified or not. It doesn't matter that all this foreign aid and all these wars are bankrupting the country, we just want to FIGHT HITLER!
It's about time we stopped listening to "dog whistles", as one of our political parties are so adept at using, and look at solutions instead of using and losing all our resources on losing causes. Let the oil corporations obtain that oil by bargaining, not by using our military to TAKE it from the people who it rightfully belongs to. No, it is not Russia or Vladimir Putin causing the problem here, it's something more sinister!.
Besides being underhanded, there are other reasons to not take any action against Russia. Do we want to start the cold war all over again? Do we now want to have trade wars? Since this episode began, the price of gasdline has already shot up 15 cents a gallon. Do you think the oil companies how much we pay for gas solong as they get what they want? Remember, they have been gouging us since the Bush/ Cheney administration, so don't think they don't want it to continue. And once they gain control of that oil, we'll really be pying "sky high " prices.
And here's another very good reason. Since the Viet Nam war, this country has failed to live up to it's obligations to those who have fought and been wounded or worse. Our children come back from these wars with broken bodies and troubled minds and becomes homeless people with no help from the people who sent them there and no one in government will take action on their behalf. Many, including president Obama, have SAID that they would remedy the situation, but as of this present moment no one has done nearly enough to show concern about the plight of our wounded warriors. Even American veterans from the Viet Nam war era are still battling to settle claims from "agent orange", a defoliant used to deforest that country in the 1960s and 70s. The Iraq war brought us exposure to depleted uranium bullets, which claims haven't been settled either. And now our children are coming back from Afghanistan seriously disturbed by all they've seen in war. It should enough to cause the citizens of this country to say 'ENOUGH"! But we have plenty of money to continue to fight these wars because anytime one of our leaders compares people like Saddam Heussein, Manuel Noriega, Mohammar Qadaffi and now Valdimir Putin, it makes us mad enough to fight another war whether they are telling the truth or not, or whether it's justified or not. It doesn't matter that all this foreign aid and all these wars are bankrupting the country, we just want to FIGHT HITLER!
It's about time we stopped listening to "dog whistles", as one of our political parties are so adept at using, and look at solutions instead of using and losing all our resources on losing causes. Let the oil corporations obtain that oil by bargaining, not by using our military to TAKE it from the people who it rightfully belongs to. No, it is not Russia or Vladimir Putin causing the problem here, it's something more sinister!.
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